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10 tips for relaxation

Updated: Mar 28, 2020

How to find new routines in the midst of chaos!

Coronas will not win the day! Master your MindSet. Win the day!

“Its been 5 Days since the United States has shut down, what in the hell am I supposed to do?”

As Nextflix, Disney +, Hulu all run out of interesting content, I want you to think about what are you can do next to relax. Notice I didn't say what could your family could do to relax. Often times we immediately default to a mental compromise which isn't wrong at all. What we do in those moments is we aren't able to identify rituals and routines that we have as individuals to ensure we are well enough to care for ourselves, which inturns allows for us to better care for our families and loved ones.

Learn something new.

10 ways to Relax when chaos is happening around you!

1. Create a time and space for YOU time

Playing with the kids alls day, compromising on which Transformers to watch or even having a strict routine that doesn't allow for you to be creative, and can lead to a disconnect due to the constant compromise. It is ok to give yourself permission to have a moment of planned selfish time. Movie, dinner, shopping... whatever works for you. Do it unapologetically ( This can be hard for my moms out there)

2. Breath before you think

I know jumping up in the morning and making that to do list, and getting everything done. Checking off things one by one leads to a sense of accomplishment right.... kinda right. What moments have you missed co-constructing the entire day. " Life is unfolding just as it should"( Deepak Chopra) and with the entire world forced to slow down, this is an opportunity for you to practice what you have been dreaming of getting the opportunity to do. " Take a damn break". Slow down and if something doesn't get done or make the list... find the gift in that moment. Ask yourself, " What did I get to experience today."

3. Check your Guilt voice

I should be doing.... wait I had 24 hours today, what did I accomplish today?.... I told myself I would start that project... damn I can never get anything done. Who feels like this at the end of a day??? Should, coulds and woulds don't exist in healthy relationships. ( We are all in relation to people, situations and things.) My kids come first, my husband/wife comes first, my job comes first. Set goals for yourself during this time, and then take 3 things off the list. There is no need to allow guilt to keep you from being present and experiencing this unique time. Learn what Guilt sounds like and tell him/her to go to bed. We are not here for it today.

4. Learn something new

There is something you have always wanted to do but it's never enough time. Well the entire world is on pause. Take the time to learn something new! A new recipe, a new podcast, a new dance or create new ideas for yourself and your family? Crossfit, workout, build a website, ecommerce business etc. Whats your family business name? What will you all do new once we are back up and running. There is time being made for that thing you have always wanted to do and YOUTUBE University is Free to the public.

5. Build a family coat of Arms/Logo

This is the best idea, when it comes to your mindset and referring to building a legacy for your family. Pull out the markers and construction papers and discuss with your family, the things that make you all family. What are your core values, what do you stand for and how do you want to be remembered. Whats the family mission statement and motto! Build a connection with the entire family. Set up a zoom call to share your ideas..... looks like a family reunion should follow! Black families this is imperative for you. Share your family stories and recipes, traditions like never before. We have 5 more days to connect. Connect Intentionally. "The North Remembers".

6. Take a Nap

Most of us remember the days of napping in elementary school. We also spend days at working begging for our chair to fold back into a recliner so you can just catch a quick nap. Do it now!

7. Be present.

Today is all we have. No need to worry about yesterday. There is not one thing you can do differently. Worrying about tomorrow robs us of the joy we can experience right her and right now. This is the hardest concept for so many people no matter the age. "Children are experts at this." Tap into your inner child..... what would you be doing today? Can you acknowledge 5 things around you right now you can touch, 4 things you smell, 3 things you see, 2 Things you can touch and 1 thing you can feel ( Grounding techniques).

8. Root in Gratitude

With so many things changing in the world so rapidly, it's important we are reminded of the good during these times. List every single thing that brings you joy. Every single person who you are grateful to have in your life, whether near or far. Speak their names out loud, and feel thanks for the beautiful things you have in your life. Smile at those moments that you hold dear to your heart. Remind yourself you are alive and Gratitude keeps ups at our highest frequency, even in the challenging times.

9. Create your relaxation playlist

What are those songs that bring you back to homeostasis. For me a little Al Green on vinyl will change any situation for me for the better. Now is not the time to cancel your spotify or apple music. Dive deep into those songs that carry you from anger to action, from sorrow to sane, and uncreatintly into sureness.

" Try a little tenderness"- Otis Redding

10. Center

Whether that's prayer, meditation, exercise, work, play, or whatever you do that gets you back to your center. DO THAT daily. Make it apart of your routine. Find where you meet you and thats the place you can take a deep breath. That's where you listen to your guilt voice. Thats where you challenge the idea of having to do something all the time.Don't feel guilty to find that tie for you but most of us have no clue what that is. Most of us are wondering aimsley trying to

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